An introduction to two straight lines (not necessarily parallel) crossed by a transversal. Illustrates interior, exterior, alternate, consecutive, and corresponding angles.
An introduction to two straight lines (not necessarily parallel) crossed by a transversal. Illustrates interior, exterior, alternate, consecutive, and corresponding angles.
The two main types of root systems, an introduction to some specialized roots, and a quiz and worksheet to help with mastery.
The coming of humans is one of the great lessons of Montessori. This video introduction (with transcript) touches on the timeline of humans on earth, the traits we have in common with other animals, and the vital differences that enabled our species to survive and thrive on this planet.
Learn about the positions of a single line (horizontal, vertical, and oblique) and relationships between two lines (parallel, intersecting, convergent, divergent, oblique, and perpendicular) as inspired by the Montessori geometry curriculum.
Roots are very important to a plant. Do you know the parts of the roots that help them play their role in keeping plants alive?
The “earth laughs in flowers,” says Ralph Waldo Emerson. Can you name the four basic parts of a flower?
Lessons for Grade 3 (ages 8-9) in Biology, Geography, Geometry, History, Language, Math, and other subjects based on the Montessori lower elementary curriculum.
From a worksheet inspired by the AMI Montessori nomenclature cards on land and water forms to a worksheet involving spotting common landforms and bodies of water on a map, these colorful worksheets will help the child master the most common landforms and bodies of water.
Complete words using different patinig (vowels) and katinig (consonants). Identify the structure of a syllable (pantig): P, KP, PK, KPK, PKK, KKP, KKPK, KPKK, KKPKK, or KKPKKK.
Interactive worksheets for: (1) types of plants, (2) parts of a leaf, (3) parts of a leaf blade, and (4) leaf venation.