See if you can answer the following questions about animals and their young.
What animal baby / animal young is called a kid? Goat and ibex babies are called kids.
What animal babies / animals’ young are called kits? The young of these animals are called kits (although they may be called by other names too): badger, beaver, cat, chinchilla, coati, ferret, fisher, fox, genet, kinkajou, mink, rabbit, raccoon, skunk, squirrel, weasel, and wolverine.
What animal babies are called calves? A lot of animals’ young are called calves, including: antelope, bison, buffalo, camel, caribou, chamois, cow (and cattle in general), deer, dolphin, dugong, eland, elephant, elephant seal, elk, gaur, gazelle, giraffe, gnu, hippopotamus, impala, Komodo dragon, kouprey, kudu, lechwe, manatee, moose, narwhal, okapi, oryx (gemsbok), porpoise, red deer, reindeer, rhinoceros, sassaby, sea lion, tapir, topi, vicuña, walrus, water buffalo, whale, and yak.
What animal babies / animals’ young are called pups? The babies of the following animals may be called pups: anteater, armadillo, bat, beaver, capybara, coati, coyote, dhole, dingo, dog, dolphin, fox, gerbil, guinea pig, hamster, hedgehog, hyena, jackal, kinkajou, mole, mongoose, mouse, otter, porcupine, prairie dog, pug, rat, sea lion, seal, shark, sloth, squirrel, weasel, and wolf.
What animal babies are called cubs? These animals’ young are called cubs: aardvark, badger, bear, binturong, cheetah, cougar, coyote, fox, giant panda, hyena, jaguar, leopard, lion, mink, panther, polar bear, raccoon, red panda, shark, tiger, and wolf.
What animal babies / animals’ young are called kittens? The term kitten can be used to refer to the young of these animals: beaver, bobcat (specifically, bobkitten), caracal, cat*, cougar, kodkod, lynx, margay, meerkat (specifically, meerkitten), mouse, ocelot, oncilla, rabbit, rat, serval, sloth, and squirrel. * Generally, the young of smaller cats are called kittens, while those of bigger cats are called cubs.
What animal babies are called joeys? It isn’t just young kangaroos that are called joeys. The term also applies to the babies of: kangaroo, koala, opossum, wallaby, and wombat.
What animal babies are called puggles? Young echidna are sometimes called puggles but this is not an official term.
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