A quick lesson on finding the area of a parallelogram with height and base, plus free printable and live worksheets for mastery.
A quick lesson on finding the area of a parallelogram with height and base, plus free printable and live worksheets for mastery.
The different parts of a quadrilateral and their definitions: side, angle, vertex, base, height, diagonal, perimeter, and area.
Learn the difference between convex and concave polygons and use the free worksheets to help reinforce learning.
In this post, you will find a quick review and free worksheets on: (1) the parts of a circle, (2) the relationship between a circumference and a straight line, and (3) the relationship between two circumferences.
A description of the basic quadrilaterals and how they are related to each other, leading up to the quadrilateral family tree (Montessori quadrilaterals approach)
What are the parts of a triangle? What are the parts of a right-angled triangle? Learn their names below and answer the worksheets to help you remember them.
A quick lesson and worksheet on two parallel lines crossed by a transversal and the resulting congruent and supplementary angles.
An introduction to two straight lines (not necessarily parallel) crossed by a transversal. Illustrates interior, exterior, alternate, consecutive, and corresponding angles.
Learn about the positions of a single line (horizontal, vertical, and oblique) and relationships between two lines (parallel, intersecting, convergent, divergent, oblique, and perpendicular) as inspired by the Montessori geometry curriculum.
Can you tell whether these angles are acute, right, obtuse, straight, reflex, or whole? Challenge your friends to take this quiz too!