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40+ Fun AND Educational Sticker Books Perfect for the Homeschooling Child

From history to geography, from dinosaurs to space exploration, these educational sticker books are just what parents need to catch their homeschooling child’s attention and pique their interest — in short, lessons made fun!

Montessori Art Appreciation: Famous Paintings Every Kid Should Know

These are some of the world’s most famous and most beloved paintings that kids (and adults!) should know. Can you name all of them?

9 Great Books to Buy for Kids Who Already Have Lots of Books

Buying books for kids who already have Narnia, Harry Potter, and all the other crowd favorites? These nine books are fun, educational, and easy to buy online.

Why Reading Logs Are a Terrible, Terrible, Terrible Idea

Did I mention that it’s terrible? Is it ever a good idea to turn something people *love* to do into something they *have* to do?

Categorized as Books Tagged

7 Best Books for Boys Who Love to Read (or to Get Them Started)

Great books for boys — and girls too!

How to Offer Mass Intentions Online (Basilica Minore del Sto Nino de Cebu)

It’s very easy to fill up the online form of the Basilica Minore del Santo Nino de Cebu for mass intentions so don’t be intimidated. It’s free and you can submit as many mass intentions as you like.