Hunter's Woods PH

Common and Proper Nouns

Common and Proper Nouns (Montessori-Inspired English Lesson and Worksheet)

A quick definition of common and proper nouns and two interactive worksheets (sorting and giving examples) to help you master this English language lesson.

A common noun is a word that refers to a person, place, or thing but is not the actual name of that particular person, place, or thing.

  • It is usually written in small letters.
  • Common nouns usually go with limiting modifiers such as a/an, some, every, or my.


A proper noun is a word that names a particular person, place, or thing.

  • It is usually capitalized.
  • A proper noun does not usually go with a limiting modifier (unless used for emphasis, such as when you refer to a person of renown, e.g. the David Attenborough).

Common and Proper Nouns: Worksheet 1

Sort the following into common or proper nouns. Place them beside their corresponding proper / common noun.


Note: if you would prefer to reduce the size of the worksheet, just zoom out your browser. (For Windows users, just scroll down your mouse wheel while pressing Ctrl on your keyboard.)


You can get a printable PDF copy of this worksheet here: Common and Proper Nouns Worksheet 1 

Common and Proper Nouns: Worksheet 2

Give examples of common and proper nouns.


Remember: if you would prefer to reduce the size of the worksheet, just zoom out your browser. (For Windows users, just scroll down your mouse wheel while pressing Ctrl on your keyboard.)


You can get a printable PDF copy of this worksheet here: Common and Proper Nouns Worksheet 2

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