Hunter's Woods PH

Montessori Geometry

Montessori Geometry: Positions of a Single Line and Relationships Between Two Lines (Lesson and Quiz)

Learn about the positions of a single line (horizontal, vertical, and oblique) and relationships between two lines (parallel, intersecting, convergent, divergent, oblique, and perpendicular) as inspired by the Montessori geometry curriculum.

Positions of a Single Line

This is a line.

HuntersWoodsPH Montessori Geometry Horizontal Line

It extends in all directions.

This is a picture of the horizon.

HuntersWoodsPH Montessori Geometry Horizon

The horizon is the line where the earth or the water seems to meet the sky.

If a straight line runs across from left to right — just like the horizon — it is called a horizontal line.

HuntersWoodsPH Montessori Geometry Horizontal Line

If a line goes straight from top to bottom, it is called a vertical line.

HuntersWoodsPH Montessori Geometry Vertical Line

If a straight line is neither horizontal nor vertical, it is called an oblique line.

HuntersWoodsPH Montessori Geometry Oblique Line

But that’s for one line.

What if we have two lines?

HuntersWoodsPH Montessori Geometry Two Lines Together

Remember that lines extend infinitely in both directions.

HuntersWoodsPH Montessori Geometry Parallel Lines

If two lines are beside each other but are always the same distance apart — no matter how much we extend them in both directions — and never, ever meet, they are called parallel lines.

Look around you and see if you can spot lines that are parallel to each other.

HuntersWoodsPH Early Childhood Montessori Materials Math Number Rods

Parallel lines never meet. But lines that are not parallel do meet.

HuntersWoodsPH Montessori Geometry Intersecting Lines

Lines that meet at one point are called intersecting lines.

Lines that are already growing apart, with the distance between them becoming greater and greater, are called divergent lines.

HuntersWoodsPH Montessori Geometry Divergent Lines

Lines that are still approaching each other, becoming closer and closer, are called convergent lines.

HuntersWoodsPH Montessori Geometry Convergent Lines

Now let’s see the ways that two straight lines can meet or intersect.

Two straight lines can meet this way:

HuntersWoodsPH Montessori Geometry Oblique Lines


Two straight lines can meet this way:

HuntersWoodsPH Montessori Geometry Perpendicular Lines

Measure the angles in the first pair of lines.

HuntersWoodsPH Montessori Geometry Oblique Lines Angles

None are right angles.

Now, measure the angles in the second pair of lines.

HuntersWoodsPH Montessori Geometry Perpendicular Lines Right Angles

All are right angles.

When two straight lines meet and do not form right angles, the two straight lines are oblique to each other. Oblique means having a slanting direction or position.

When two straight lines meet and form all right angles, they are perpendicular to each other. Perpendicular means being at right angles to a line or surface.

HuntersWoodsPH Early Childhood Montessori Materials Math Addition Strip Board 01


Positions of a straight line:

  • The position of a single line can be either horizontal, vertical, or oblique (slanted).

Positions of two straight lines relative to each other (relationships between lines):

  • Lines that are always the same distance apart and never meet are called parallel lines.
  • Lines that meet at one point are called intersecting lines.
    • Lines that are still approaching each other are called convergent lines.
    • Lines that are already moving away from each other are called divergent lines.
  • Intersecting lines can be either oblique or perpendicular.
    • Lines that are oblique to each other are lines that meet but do not form right angles.
    • Perpendicular lines are two straight lines that meet — or intersect — each other at right angles.

Note about oblique lines:

  • A single oblique line is a line that is neither horizontal nor vertical.
  • Lines that are oblique to each other are lines that are neither parallel nor perpendicular.

Ready to test your knowledge on the positions of straight lines and the relations between two straight lines?

Take this mastery quiz!

Geometry Quiz: Lines

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